Título: Reaching consensus in the voter model on static and dynamic regular random graphs
Data: 13/11/2024 Horário: 15:30h
Palestrante: Rangel Baldasso (PUC-Rio)
Local: Laboratório de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE), Sala I-044-B, Centro de Tecnologia - UFRJ.
Abstract: We consider the classical 2-opinion dynamics known as the voter model on regular random graphs and study the evolution for the discordant edges (i.e. with different opinions at their end vertices) which clarify what happens before the consensus time scale both in the static and in the dynamic graph setting. Further, in the dynamic geometrical setting we can see how consensus is affected as a function of the graph dynamics.
Based on recent and ongoing joint works with Luca Avena, Rajat Hazra, Frank den Hollander and Matteo Quattropani.
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