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15 06 im noticia The Ant Random WalkTítulo: The Ant Random Walk

Palestrante: Guilherme Reis (UFBA)
Data: 21/06/2021
Horário: 15:00h
Local: Transmissão online.

Confira AQUI o link para transmissão.

Resumo: The Ant RW belongs to the class of random walks with reinforcement. Our goal is to observe through this stochastic process the ant mill phenomenon: the walker is eventually trapped in a circuit of the graph which will be followed forever. In recent work we show that this phenomenon can be observed with weaker assumptions in the reinforcement function. Ours inspiration is the ant mill phenomenon in which a group of army ants are separated from the main group, lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle. The ants are not able to go back home and will eventually die of exhaustion as we can see in the video "Why army ants get trapped in ‘death circles’" on YouTube.

Works in collaboration with Dirk Erhard and Tertuliano Franco.

All the talks are held in English.

The videos of the online seminars held in 2020 are available at HERE.

For the 2021 series, a few days after each meeting the video should be available at HERE.
