Título: Full overlaps in mixing Markov Chains
Palestrante: Rodrigo Lambert (UFU)
Data: 22/02/2021
Horário: 15h - 16h (Rio de Janeiro local time)
Local: Transmissão online
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Resumo: For a string of length n, the overlapping function defines the greatest size of a repetition, in the sense that it is k if its first and last k symbols coincide. When the source that generates the strings satisfies the complete grammar condition, the overlapping function is always non-negative. In the present work we deal with the case where the complete grammar condition is removed, and therefore “negative overlaps” are allowed. We state a weak convergence theorem when the source is a beta-mixing Markov Chain with finite diameter (greatest “distance” between two symbols of the alphabet). This is a work in progress in collaboration with Erika Alejandra Rada-Mora (UFABC).
Todas as palestras são realizadas em inglês.
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