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30 04 IM Seminário Luiz NoticiaTitle: Sharp global well-posedness for the Higher Order Non-linear Schrödinger Equation in Modulation Spaces

Speaker: Xavier Carvajal Paredes IM-UFRJ

Data: 05/06/2024

June 5, at 12:00 p.m.  (Rio de Janeiro local time)

Local: IM-UFRJ, CT sala C-116

Abstract: We consider the initial value problem (IVP) associated to a higher order nonlinear Schrödinger (h-NLS) equation

tu + ia∂²xu + b∂3xu = 2ia|u|2u + 6b|u|²∂xu, x, t ∈ R,

for given data in the modulation space Ms2,p. Using ideias of Killip, Visan, Zhang, Oh, Wang, we prove that the IVP associated to the h-NLS equation is globally wellposed in the modulation spaces Ms2,p, for s ≥ 1∕4 and p ≥ 2.
