Título: "BayesMortalityPlus: A package in R for Bayesian graduation of mortality modelling"
Data: 26/04/2024
Horário: 15:30h
Local: No Laboratório de Sistemas Estocásticos no Bloco I sala 044-b (subsolo), do Centro de Tecnologia, Ilha do Fundão da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Palestrante: Lucas Moura Faria e Silva
Resumo: The BayesMortalityPlus package provides a framework for modelling and predicting mortality data. The package includes tools for the construction of life tables based on Heligman-Pollard laws and also on dynamic linear smoothers. Flexibility is available in terms of modelling so that the response variable may be modeled as Poisson, Binomial or Gaussian. If the time dimension is available, the package provides a Bayesian version for the well-known Lee-Carter model that allows for estimating and projecting mortality over time. Some illustrations are considered to show the capability of the proposed package to model mortality data.