Percolation on the cubic lattice with lower dimensional disorder
Marcelo R. Hilário (UFMG)
Percolation on the Euclidean d-dimensional lattice has been studied for
over sixty years and is still a fascinating source of interesting
mathematical problems. The fact that this model undergoes a non-trivial
phase transition is well-understood since the early studies in the
Bernoulli setting, where the lattice is regular and there are no
inhomogeneities on the parameters. One way to introduce random disorder
is, for example, either passing to a dilute lattice where lower
dimensional affine hyperplanes are removed or, alternately, introducing
inhomogeneities on the parameter along such hyperplanes. In these
situations, even to establish that non-trivial phase transition takes
place may be a hard task. In this talk we review some recent results on
this topic and discuss some open problems.